

胡蓓娟 副教授





2007/10—至今 1946伟德官方网站 伟德bevictor中文版 助教、讲师、副教授

2016/122017/12 美国 马里兰大学 访问学者





  1. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓专项(2018YFD0901400)子课题,池蝶蚌种质创制与规模化制种,2018-2022在研.

  2. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓专项(2018YFD0901700)子课题,稻-鳖(蚌)绿色生态立体养殖综合技术集成与示范,2018-2021结题.

  3. 江西省科技支撑计划农业领域项目12003891),鄱阳湖区泥鳅优良品种选育研究,2013-2015结题.

  4. “863”项目化学品生物转化过程与装备开发子课题2012AA021205-6),嗜污型藻种的筛选、优化培养、保存和应用研究,2012-2015结题.

  5. “863”项目特种生物资源开发利用关键技术子课题(2012AA021704),嗜污微藻藻种的选育、养殖、收获利用研究,2012-2015结题.


  1. 全国农牧渔业丰收奖(2019-2021年度),三等奖,2022,编号:FCG-2022-3-29-04R.

  2. 江西省本科院校青年教师教学竞赛三等奖,2022,排名1/1.

  3. 第十三届“挑战杯”江西省大学生创业计划竞赛银奖,指导老师,2022排名1/3.

  4. 第七届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家级金奖指导教师,2021,排名1/5.

  5. 江西省教学成果二等奖,产教深度融合服务地方经济的卓越水产人才培养与实践,2021,排名5/5.

  6. 江西省精品在线开放课程《水生生物学》,2020,排名1/4.

  7. 教育部第二届全国高校(生命科学类)微课教学比赛优胜奖,藻毒素2014,排名1/1.


  1. Beijuan Hu, Jie Zhou, Jiayi Dong, Hua Yang, Guilan Yu, Yijiang Hong*. Association of algae diversity and Hyriopsis schlegelii growth in mixed fish-mussel aquaculture. Algae Research, 2022, 65: 102736.

  2. Xaohui Dai, Jun Hu, Feng Jin, Di Wu, Shaoqing Jian, Anwar Zahid, Beijuan Hu*, Yijiang Hong*. Pathology and drug susceptibility study of an outbreak of bacterial pathogen infecting the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Aquaculture Research, 2022, 53(17): 5743-5752.

  3. Qi Zeng#, Beijuan Hu#, Andres Hortas Blanco, Wanchang Zhang, Daxian Zhao, Paulino Martínez, Yijiang Hong*. Length Transcriptome Sequences Provide Insight Into Hermaphroditism of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Hyriopsis schlegelii. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, 13: 868742.

  4. Beijuan Hu, Jie Zhou, Huimin Qiu, Xinxin Lai, Jing Li,Di Wu,Junqing Sheng,Yijiang Hong*. Comparison of nutritional quality and volatile flavor compounds among bighead carp from three aquaculture systems. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021, 28(8): 4291-4299.

  5. Rongbin Ding, Lei Liu, Zhenying Hu, Andong Wu, Huaiyi Zhu, Qingxin Ruan, Huiming Qiu, Yijiang Hong, Beijuan Hu*, Jingjing Duan*. In vivo noninvasive and rapid evaluation of pearls in freshwater mussels based on micro-CT, Aquaculture, 2021, 534: 736232.

  6. Hu BJ, Huang YY, Wu LZ, Qin HM, Hong YJ*. Seasonal phytoplankton community patterns and influencing fators in Fish-Mussel systems. Applied ecology and environmental research, 2020, 18(2): 3380-3387.

  7. Hu BJ, Hu X, Nie X, Zhang X, Wu N, Hong YJ*, Qing HM. Seasonal and inter-annual community structure characteristics of zooplankton driven by water environment factors in a sub-lake of Lake Poyang, China. Peer J, 2019, 7: 7590.

8.董家仪, 李菁, 曹广义, 赖昕欣, 胡蓓娟*, 洪一江. 水质因子季节变化规律及对池蝶蚌生长的影响. 1946伟德官方网站学报(理科版), 2021, 45(6): 571-577.